Perfectly laid

Perfectly laid by


In few steps to the top result! Here you can find out how to lay pavings and slabs in an unbound construction method. That means: The stones are placed loosely on a bedding and carefully shaken in. This is easy to master with a little manual skill! Slabs are laid hammer-proof and not vibrated.

Schematic representation of a paved area in unbound construction (standard construction):

1. Der Aushub

The excavation should be about 20 to 30 cm wider than the area to be covered. The unsustainable soil layers – for example loam or topsoil – are dug up until stable soil is reached.

2. Der Unterbau mit Tragschichten

If necessary, compact the subsoil. Then fill in layers with frost-proof grit or gravel and compact it again. Attention: Each individual level and base layer must be designed with a gradient so that seepage water that seeps in later can be drained off.

3. Die Bettung

A bed of gravel is laid loosely and evenly as a leveling layer on the unbound upper base course – with a thickness of 3 to 6 cm. This gravel bed is first vibrated together with the laid and grouted paving stones.

4. Das Pflaster / die Platte

Be creative – and let us advise you: Different formats, colors and surfaces result in the individual design for your surface design. The joint filling takes on an important task. It fixes the stones and helps to transfer the loads evenly. Curbs prevent the laid stones from deviating to the side.